Well, it looks like I am learning some things at school.
In my Object Oriented Design class, we were discussing the usefulness of the
singleton class. I've been doing just this before, but in a less than elegant manner.
First, a singleton is an object that can only be instantiated
once. It handles this by making its construtor(s) private, and having a class method called "instance", which returns a pointer to an instantiated object. This pointer being a class attribute of the said class.
Now, the elegance of this method is that it doesn't pollute the global namespace (in C++). I've always done something along these lines:
static Whatever * instance = NULL;
Whatever * Instance(void)
if( instance == NULL )
instance = new Whatever();
return instance;
Now, in my implementation, there's a big ugly function "::Instance()" in the global namespace, which is fine for small applications, but lousy for larger ones, or libraries.
The singleton fixes this by having its initializer scoped by the class name.
Some handy links: